Dr.Karol, MD

The doctor with alternative solutions

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Cervical Health and Diindolymethane




Since the discovery of the Pap smear in the early part of the 20th century, the incidence of cervical cancer among women had dropped dramatically. This is especially true of countries where the cost of the Pap smear is covered by government health agencies and where the Pap smear is regularly promoted.

It is recommended that all women start an annual Pap smear at the age of 18 or at the age of first intercourse. The Pap smear is nothing more than swabbing, with a cotton swab to the cervix, in order to take a sample of the cells lining the cervix. The cells are then examined under the microscope to see if any cancerous changes have taken place. By doing regular annual examinations, the cancerous changes can be picked up very early and steps can be taken to prevent the development of cancer. If followed, this type of prevention is very effective, reducing the risk of cancer formation to practically zero. Although this is the best prevention of cervical cancer, there are some imperfections with the Pap smear. For one they are not 100% accurate (this is one of the reasons why regular yearly tests are recommended) and if they actually discover cancerous cells, the procedures and steps taken to prevent the cancer from forming are actually very uncomfortable. These procedures may also weaken the strength of the cervix, potentially leading to some complications during pregnancy….Read more….

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Arginine and Nitric Oxide




In the year 1992 the molecule Nitric Oxide was called the molecule of the year by the scientific community. The reason for this is that it plays an extremely vital role in regulating blood pressure as well as the functionality of the immune system. Furthermore it plays a fundamental role in male (and female) erections. If you are wondering what I mean by female erections, the explanation is that the female clitoris is developmentally equivalent to the male penis (both are derived from the same developmental structure in early neonatal development). And just like the penis gets bigger and erected during arousal so does the clitoris. The mechanism responsible for both of these phenomena are the same. Namely nitric oxide acting on smooth muscle in a relaxatory fashion.

The penis, the clitoris as well as the wall of arteries are primarily composed of smooth muscle. Smooth muscle is not under voluntary control like skeletal muscle (i.e. the muscles like the biceps or the quadriceps). When nitric oxide binds to such muscle it causes relaxation. Such relaxation dilates blood vessels. In the heart arteries and in arteries all over the body this means a drop in blood pressure and more blood flow. This is something desirable as more blood means more oxygen and nutrients to the tissues that the arteries supply. In the penis and the clitoris the increased blood flow means that more blood crosses from the arteries into the erectile tissues of these organs. The reason for this is that the blood vessels in these organs are perforated allowing blood to escape from the inside of the blood vessel to the outside into the erectile tissue. This is what cases these organs to get engorged with blood making them hard, erect and more sensitive to touch….Read more….

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Radical Remedies: Cupping





This past Saturday on the Natural health Show my topic on Radical Remedies was cupping. What is cupping, other wise known as Cucurbitas ponerae in Latin? It is a medical technique using small glass jars, first heated on the inside with a slight flame to create a negative pressure within the jar, and then quickly placed on the chest or back of a patient suffering primarily from respiratory infections such as pneumonia. The technique utilizes twenty to forty jars and was used in ancient Chinese and Arabic medicine and is actually still used prevalently in Eastern Europe. I decided to bring up this topic because as a child I suffered from frequent pulmonary infections and one day my parents took me to a monastery when antibiotics simply failed to work. A group of nuns laid me down on my chest and used the cupping technique on my back. And guess what? My infections stopped.

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It’s October … let’s not get the cold.

It’s October, it’s still nice outside and we are blessed with warmer temperatures than usual for this time of year. The leaves are turning their colour, the walks in the park are beautiful and the turkey smells good from the kitchen oven. But as usual, life will have two sides to the story. It’s the old philosophy of yin and yang, the balance of positives and negatives, and the balance of life.
So what am I talking about? Aside from all the pleasant warmth we try to surround ourselves with, we are faced with increasingly colder temperatures at night and in the morning, more cold rain falls, our bodies weakened by going through the process of adapting to changing weather conditions, forgetting to dress warmer, and the mysterious reappearance during this time of year of the phenomenon of nature called Influenza. Why do I call it a phenomenon? It’s because it’s not really alive. It’s a virus! A virus is just a protein capsule surrounding a strand of genetic code which needs our living and thriving cells to make copies of itself. Continue reading